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About Us:

         Who Are The Obsidians?

Organized in 1927 by a group of men from Eugene who were concerned about a mountaineering accident, the Obsidians have grown to more than 400 people actively involved in a wide variety of outdoor activities.

Mission Statement:

Connecting our community to the mountains, waters, and trails of the great outdoors through exploration, education and stewardship.

Obsidian Purpose:

Educate the general public about the physical, biological and cultural features of the mountains, forests, waterways and trails of the Northwest and more particularly the country surrounding the upper Willamette Valley.

Aid and assist in the acquisition of physical, biological and cultural information about the Northwest's mountains, forests, waterways and trails and to encourage members of the public to visit and explore these mountains and forests in person.

Organize and conduct educational trips and expeditions for members of the public into these areas with those who are knowledgeable in geology, biology and natural history to further the public's understanding and appreciation of the Northwest's mountains and forests and to educate members of the public about the importance of developing their physical and mental capacities and improve their physical and mental health by exploring these areas.

Our focus includes teaching members of the public how to competently, safely and responsibly go hiking, backpacking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, kayaking, bicycling and mountain climbing in the beautiful Northwest mountains and forests and to encourage the citizens of the Northwest to protect and preserve by all reasonable means the natural beauties of the mountains, forests, lakes, streams and other natural features of the Northwest.

What We Do:

The Obsidian trips committees schedule trips and outings the year round. These vary from easy afternoon walks to strenuous hikes and overnight backpacks. We hike the trails through deep forest or across lava beds, visit wilderness lakes, climb up rocky crags to high promontories, saunter along ocean beaches, camp near glacier-fed torrents, or stand in admiration of flower-filled mountain meadows.   When the snow begins to fly in the high country, our thoughts turn to cross country skiing and other outdoor winter sports. In all these activities, the ultimate objective is to explore the more scenic areas of our environment, and savor to the fullest the aesthetic experience of wildness.
The Byways-by-Bus Committee regularly sponsors bus trips to points of interest both in and out of state - the Oregon Coast, Crater Lake, the Rogue River Canyon, Columbia Gorge, Alaska, and many other places. The trips may vary from one-day excursions to multi-day trips covering several states.
For many Obsidians, the high point of the year is the annual Summer Camp, a week long campout with meals provided. The location of past Summer Camps reads like a roster of scenic Northwest America: The Wallowas, the Grand Tetons, the High Sierras, the Sawtooths, the North Cascades, the Strawberries and of course the Oregon Cascades, to name but a few!
Most major peaks in the Oregon Cascades are climbed several times each season; Washington and California peaks less often, but regularly. Climbs vary in difficulty from walk-ups to technical rock and snow climbing. The latter class of climbs are "limited," meaning the leader will allow only experienced climbers to participate. Most of the climbs are two-day trips or longer. A Climb School is held each spring. Two climbing awards may be earned. The first is the Three Peak Award that goes to any member successfully climbing the Three Sisters. The second is the Ten Peak Award, which is presented to those who conquer the ten major Oregon peaks.

These are fun activities that serve the Obsidians in many ways.
Guests are always welcome to participate in our activities.
Modest fees are charged to cover expenses and carpooling costs are shared for most activities.

Obsidian Facilities:

The Obsidian Lodge is located on a wooded, 4 1/2 acre tract in southeast Eugene. The Lodge, a large rustic, two-story structure, provides a place for meetings, educational programs, and activities. It is here that monthly educational activities and program meetings take place. These meetings, mostly potluck suppers, are followed by an educational activity of some kind, often a slideshow presentation, featuring matters of interest to Obsidians and guests such as outdoor activities, stewardship, or conservation.

The Obsidian Lodge is also available for rent to non-profits or for personal use. To make reservations, or for further information, contact Dave Cooper, Obsidian Lodge Committee Chairperson at 541-868-5427or dwcoop@yahoo.com. The Lodge is used by the Board of Directors to hold their monthly business meetings.

For directions to the lodge click here: Obsidian Lodge Location

Obsidian Organization:

The affairs of the Club are managed under the provisions of written By-laws, Policies and Practices. The responsibility for this management is delegated by the membership to an elected Board of Directors - nine active members - who meet monthly. Most of the field work of the Club is accomplished through standing committees. Some of these are: Summer Trips, Winter Trips, Climbs, By-Ways by Bus, Trail Maintenance, Summer Camp, Lodge Building, Membership, Publications, Entertainment, and Conservation, Science and Education. The chairpersons of these committees are appointed by the Board annually.

Throughout its history, the Obsidian Board and its Committees have depended on the voluntary co-operation of the entire membership to make possible the wide range of Obsidian activities. It is this spirit of co-operation that permeates all affairs of the Club and helps to create the cohesiveness necessary to keep it functioning.

Copyright © 2000-2023   Obsidians, Inc.